The Cherry Pie cannabis strain is a well-balanced hybrid strain that emits a piney, hash-like scent and tastes of spices with a fruity, cherry undertone. Its leaves are a forest green with dense, light-green buds displaying hues of purple and velvety orange hairs when ready to harvest.
Cherry Pie THC levels can be anywhere from 16-22%. Its high is known amongst reviewers to be mostly cerebral, giving its consumer a Cheshire grin that lifted their spirits and helped them throughout the day. Cherry Pie’s high has been reviewed to be easy on thought-processes, so many keep a clear head while experiencing increases in mood. It also increased appetite for some. Cherry Pie also gives a body high according to consumers, easing mild insomnia, allowing the muscles to relax and minor aches to dull. Cherry Pie is a great strain for both those new to the cannabis scene and veterans alike if consumed properly.
The most notable ill side-effects are dry mouth and eyes, with a few reporting a slight surge of dizziness that dissipates quickly.
Cherry Pie grows best in Mediterranean climates with a flowering time of eight-nine weeks.
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